ScoreWIZ Eurovision Song Contest Poll 2024
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Directly to ScoreWiz: All vote for all Semifinal one Semifinal two The final


For technical reasons, the results are recalculated only once every 60 seconds.
Below results were last updated at 19-04-2024, 12:07 CET.

Go to: All-vote-for-all votes - Votes split by semifinal - Totals by individual votes

'All vote for all' result Back to top

For this result all votes from all voters from each country are converted to one single Eurovision style vote per country. Every country can vote for all countries, except itself.
Watch in ScoreWIZ Full voting grid
01. Croatia 258
20. Portugal 24
02. Italy 254
21. Armenia 23
03. Belgium 235
22. Poland 22
04. Switzerland 195
23. Cyprus 21
05. Spain 150
24. Israel 15
06. Lithuania 146
25. Germany 15
07. Greece 130
26. Luxembourg 15
08. Austria 108
27. Latvia 13
09. France 79
28. Albania 8
10. Norway 79
29. San Marino 8
11. Ukraine 66
30. Denmark 6
12. Serbia 54
31. Azerbaijan 6
13. Netherlands 36
32. Czechia 1
14. Estonia 36
33. Malta 0
15. Ireland 30
34. Moldova 0
16. Sweden 30
35. Finland 0
17. Georgia 29
36. Australia 0
18. United Kingdom 27
37. Iceland 0
19. Slovenia 27

Result split by semifinal + Final Result Back to top

For these results all votes from all voters from each country are again converted to one single Eurovision style vote per country. However for semifinal 1 are only taken into account the countries that can give and/or receive votes in that semifinal (all participants + just voting: ).

The same goes for semifinal 2, where in addition to the participants can vote.

The participants in the final are based on the top 10's in both semifinals. All countries + the rest of the world vote in the final.

Semifinal 1

Watch in ScoreWIZ Full voting grid
01. Croatia 146
02. Lithuania 132
03. Ukraine 93
04. Serbia 86
05. Slovenia 72
06. Ireland 57
07. Poland 56
08. Luxembourg 52
09. Azerbaijan 40
10. Cyprus 36
11. Portugal 26
12. Australia 22
13. Iceland 21
14. Moldova 16
15. Finland 15

Semifinal 2

Watch in ScoreWIZ Full voting grid
01. Belgium 141
02. Switzerland 111
03. Austria 100
04. Greece 88
05. Netherlands 79
06. Norway 77
07. Armenia 68
08. Estonia 61
09. Georgia 56
10. Israel 36
11. Denmark 33
12. Albania 30
13. San Marino 17
14. Latvia 14
15. Czechia 12
16. Malta 5


Watch in ScoreWIZ Full voting grid
01. Croatia 260
02. Italy 257
03. Belgium 237
04. Switzerland 198
05. Lithuania 153
06. Spain 153
07. Greece 131
08. Austria 107
09. France 83
10. Norway 82
11. Ukraine 69
12. Serbia 61
13. Netherlands 44
14. Estonia 36
15. Sweden 35
16. Ireland 33
17. Georgia 30
18. Slovenia 30
19. United Kingdom 27
20. Poland 25
21. Cyprus 22
22. Armenia 21
23. Israel 17
24. Luxembourg 16
25. Germany 14
26. Azerbaijan 5

Total votes Back to top

Below results give the total of points for each song given by all individual voters.
01. Italy 3149
20. Ireland 1062
02. Croatia 3123
21. Estonia 1058
03. Switzerland 2920
22. Georgia 966
04. Belgium 2791
23. Poland 961
05. Greece 2415
24. Cyprus 945
06. Lithuania 2295
25. Luxembourg 907
07. Austria 2131
26. Denmark 815
08. Spain 2018
27. Azerbaijan 734
09. Norway 1953
28. Albania 646
10. Ukraine 1874
29. Latvia 640
11. France 1840
30. Germany 612
12. Netherlands 1799
31. Czechia 586
13. Serbia 1446
32. Finland 560
14. Sweden 1229
33. San Marino 548
15. United Kingdom 1224
34. Australia 541
16. Armenia 1181
35. Malta 535
17. Slovenia 1180
36. Iceland 442
18. Israel 1119
37. Moldova 263
19. Portugal 1082